Thursday, February 12, 2009

Beatrix's New Dress

Beatrix needed a dress to wear that isn't a wedding dress...
Beatrix's New Dress
I decided to go with grey/silver tones because I thought they would go with her coloring really well... I just used scraps of fabric and ribbon I had around.
I'm working on a dress for my Blythe right now... it's candy themed! Of course, you say, if you've ever met me. By the by, I named her Lemon Drop. Perfection, no? Here is a lovely pic of her by the ever talented Doug.
frosty frock lemon drop
And here is everyone:
I'll have pics of the Mini Pullip & Petite Blythes soon...

1 comment:

CouponAlbum said...

Nice dress!! Wonderful collection of baby dolls!! Best stuff for girls!!