Friday, November 28, 2008

Craft Night!

Well, Craft Night was last weekend, but I haven't had a chance to upload the pics until now... It was Holiday themed, to get a head start and all that... Anyway, it was definitely the most productive one ever- most of the time we had ended up just hanging out, which is fine, but you know, less productive.
Craft Night
Craft Night
See, boys can come too! Chris is always looking for buddies to avoid the crafting. But these boys wanted to craft, too! In your face, Chris! Uh, I love you.
We started with making some paper ornaments:
Jessica Ball
That one's mine- I made it ahead of time.
Jamie Ball
This one is Jamie's.
Chris forgot to take a pic of Kathryn's, but I will add it later if I can get one...
I got the instructions from Heather Bailey ("Paper Globes" under "Free Patterns"). They're super easy- I highly recommend. I've seen them done with different edging, too... something to try later.
Then we made clothespin dolls... I got the idea from Allsorts here (there are non-holiday Allsorts ones here, and a whole flickr group of different ones here). I bought the supplies ahead of time and glued together the three main pieces so they would be ready to paint.
Craft Night- Jamie
Mine (I didn't finish until everyone left, though)
Natalie v. Bob
Natalie v. Bob!
Doug v. Kathryn
Doug v. Kathryn!
As you can see, much fun was had by all. There are few more more pics here. I hope to get another Craft Night together soon, and I have some more holiday crafts to post! Soon...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

New Model

Olivia's here! Olivia Mary Williams
Thursday, November 20, 2008
She wore the hat I knitted her home!
Quite a perfect little model, I think.
Congratulations, Beth & Jimmy!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Dear "New" Boots,

Thank you so much for being awesome.


Vintage Italian Boots from Ebay

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Black and white and gorgeous all over...

I have obtained two prints somewhat recently that I realized I haven't blogged...
One from the amazing Elsita (Elsa Mora) that I haven't taken my own pic of, but it's on my wall right now:

I matted it in red with a black frame... I love it so much. Check out all of the tiny little hiding animals! I really want to buy out her entire Etsy store.
And more recently I got this print from lalalaika (Donna Enticknap):
lalalaika print
I contacted her after seeing this image on Flickr & had to have a print... she has more available if you contact her there. It's absolutely beautiful... it even has little hand-touched gold highlights! And check out that little hand-drawn thank you that I got with it! How did she know about my fox obsession?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Autumn Happiness

Kathryn's birthday is today & these were her presents:
Squirrel & Pinecone
Vintage Salt & Pepper Shakers
(She collects shakers)
Acorn Earrings
Acorn Earrings
(I might have to make myself a pair of these, too!)
I suppose you can tell I'm in a Autumn-y mood...
Here's my Thanksgiving tree:
Thanksgiving Tree
I actually put it out in September, sans turkey ornaments, but the Halloween tree goes up in between...)
The Porch:
Fall Planting
I have a thing for acorns.
I also must add how very happy I am... I'm so proud of our country today- there will be so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving! Huzzah! <Picture me doing the Snoopy dance>
It is a bittersweet victory, though... I'm proud of the US, but disappointed by my love, California. Prop 8, people? Really? I suppose we're made huge strides lately towards erasing bigotry, but it looks like we've got a lot more work to do, and soon.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Here's my costume:
Don't know who I am? Don't worry, no one else did either...
The Real Maude
Maude! As in Harold & Maude, if it's been awhile. I carried the DVD in my pocket... I really didn't expect anyone to recognize me. One person actually guessed it, but really I blame Chris for not being my Harold. He's a pooper. Of the party variety. There are more pics of other peeps costumes here... some are out of control cute... I'm looking at you, Panda with Baby Panda.